Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WKC Dog Show

The 2013 Westminster Dog Show started last night, 2/11/13. This dog show is the America’s most well-known dog sow. Although I have never had a show dog and my dog is not a pure bred, this dog show never seizes to amaze me.

The dogs in the Westminster dog show are the best in their breed. The way the dog show works is a chunk of dogs from each breed compete until one is picked best in breed. That dog is the one we see on television as it competes for its breed to win its category and then best in show.

The show always starts with the hounds, which is by far my favorite category. I was never a fan of toy dogs, however, I must admit these ones are gorgeous as well. I always think that my dog is well trained and obedient until I see these dogs. I know the time it took to train my dog and cannot imagine how much time, love, and effort the owners and trainers put into these dogs.

The second night of the show airs tonight on the USA channel at 8 eastern on USA. One feature that is really neat is the use of Twitter during the show. WestimsterDogShow was tweeting in real time the entire show. There were also many people using the hash-tag #WKCdogs tweeting about what dogs they liked and wanted to see win. This made the dog show a very interactive event.

Here is a clip from last year’s Westminster Dog Show best in show for anyone who has not seen a part of the show or would just like to see it again.

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